Photo Courtesy of Helen Schuler Nature Centre
The beauty of autumn is beginning to show on the leafy trees in our neighbourhood and with it comes the crisp morning air. While researching an article on youth nature programs at our local nature centre, I learned a lot about how important the outdoors is for our wellbeing.
Getting outdoors and enjoying nature is one of the best actions we can take towards to having a healthy body and mind, according to Coreen Putman, coordinator of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in Lethbridge.
Lifelong Benefits
Encouraging children from a very young age to engage with nature
can have lasting benefits for their physical and mental health, as well as
instilling a continued conservation ethic for the future of the natural world,
says Putman.
Putman says research shows children exposed to nature have decreased
stress levels, improved mental concentration in classroom settings and improved
self-control. And it’s been proven that the benefits tend to last well into
adulthood, as these children become the next generation of entrepreneurs,
corporate leaders and nature conservationists.
Studies Show Many Benefits
According to Parks Canada documents, an emphasis on literacy and
numeracy during the past 20 years has pushed children into more indoor
activities and structured environments. Ongoing safety concerns by parents and
caregivers has also led to a reduction in outdoor free play leading to an
elimination of outdoor play structures.
But studies show children who regularly interact with nature
receive numerous lasting health benefits, such as being more physically fit
with lower body mass index scores.
“Time spent in nature can also be an important bonding opportunity
for the entire family because it removes the distractions of modern technology
or daily chores,” Putman says.
Lethbridge residents are fortunate to have the Oldman River valley
– with its abundant wildlife and diversity of habitats – available for
exploring in the heart of the city, she says.
“We’re just a short drive from any corner of the city,” she says.
Unstructured exploration is available from dawn to dusk through a
system of the trails in the 200-acre nature reserve surrounding the centre.
Local Centre Offers Lots of Nature Programming
Putman says the general public is welcome to join a
naturalist during guided nature walks from 2 pm to 3 pm every Sunday. For those
preferring to walk unguided, Centre naturalists are out on the trails between
1:30 pm and 2:30 pm on Sundays and are available to answer any nature
The newly-modernized nature centre, Lethbridge’s first designated
LEED Gold Facility, is open from 1 pm to 4 pm Tuesday through Sunday during the
Fall and Winter months for drop in visits. It features seasonal exhibitions and
interactive displays, and is also home to some living animal residents.
Structured programming at the centre includes the Big Bird Little
Bird program, which begins in November. It’s designed for an adult relative or
friend to pair with a youngster two to five years old for one hour per week of
nature engagement.
“The point is to get people out and get them excited about what
they’re seeing in nature,” Putman says. “The children are naturally drawn to
nature and have a lot of fun.”
The adult participant is able to learn new ideas and take away
tools that they can use for ongoing nature exploration with the child
The next level of programming – the Junior Naturalist Program – is
geared for youth age six to 10. Operated on a drop-in basis with parental sign-in
required, the program is held from 10 am to 12 noon on alternating Saturdays.
Each theme is limited to 20 participants and is offered for two consecutive
Saturdays to allow more youth to participate in smaller group sizes.
“This program features nature themes that are explored through
fun, games and discovery,” says Putman. “At this age, we really start to see
their enthusiasm for nature grow.”
September themes are River Wild, which focuses on the Oldman River
habitat, and Chomp & Chew, where participants search for visible signs of
animal teeth markings in the natural habitat surrounding the centre.
Extreme by Nature is designed for youth naturalists age 11 to 15
years. This month’s session is being held on September 24 from 6:30 pm to 8:30
pm and participants will create Bug Hotels out of natural debris to house
insects and beetles that seek shelter for the winter months.
“It’s part art, part science and each participant will be able to
take their hibernating hut home,” says Putman.
All programming is offered free of charge on a first come, first
served basis and the centre relies heavily on volunteers and donations to
operate, Putman says. The Centre receives more than 30,000 visitors and offers
nearly 1,000 different programs a year.
“We hope that people who can afford it will donate so no child is
left inside,” she says.
Volunteers Welcome
There are many volunteer opportunities available, which can
include trail guiding, programming assistance, or looking after the centre’s
animal residents.
Volunteers are also welcome to join the
Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society, which supports programming
at the Centre, for an annual fee of $10 per adult or $5 per youth.
Putman says the Nature
Centre also coordinates a variety of volunteer conservation
projects throughout the year, which are intended to improve the natural
space and bring community members together over their mutual appreciation of
The Knapweed Pull is being held on
September 17 from 7 pm to 9 pm and the Shoreline Clean-Up, in conjunction with
the Oldman Watershed Council, is being held on September 15 from 12:30 pm to
4:30 pm at Botterill Bottom Park and September 19 from 1 pm to 3 pm at Indian
Battle Park.
Putman says anyone interested in
participating in any of the programs and events should contact the centre for
more information or to register.
Information about the Centre, its
programming, volunteer opportunities and upcoming events can all be found on the
City of Lethridge website at
Parks Canada information about the benefits of connecting with
nature can be accessed at
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