Don't you just love surprises? I do and today I got a super nice one!
It all started when I re-ordered some scrumptious lip gloss from an Etsy shop called Blackbird Soap Company of Colorado Springs. This stuff works wonders during these dry winter days (and I swear it healed a cold sore in less than 4 days, which usually takes 2 weeks). I use the Java Junkie flavor, but this time around I had ordered one in the Frost Bitten flavor too (yummy, tingly spearmint). Heather, the shop owner, emailed me to say the order was delayed but she was putting a little something extra in the package for me.
Well, I couldn't wait to rip into the package when it arrived and try my new lip gloss. To my surprise, Heather had sent not only the two lip glosses I had ordered, but a full size bar of her Goldilocks soap and a container of Padrona del Venice creamy body mousse to try out as well!
What great customer service! And an excellent marketing technique as well, because if these other products are half as good as her lip glosses, I know I'll be coming back to her shop again and again.
This is also a prime example of why I love shopping on Etsy. It's been my experience that the shop owners give great personalized service and the products are second to none at great prices. It's a huge marketplace set up so both the customer and the shop owner can find success.
As of this month, there were 290,877 sellers with millions of items available. If you haven't already, you should check it out soon for its handmade, vintage, and supplies merchandise. Many items are one of a kind and I hope you experience the great customer service that I've been receiving.